Fabulae crepidatae (tragedies with Greek subjects):

  • Hercules or Hercules furens (The Madness of Hercules)
  • Troades (The Trojan Women)
  • Phoenissae (The Phoenician Women)
  • Medea
  • Phaedra
  • Oedipus
  • Agamemnon
  • Thyestes
  • Hercules Oetaeus (Hercules on Oeta): generally considered not written by Seneca. First rejected by Heinsius.

Fabula praetexta (tragedy in Roman setting):

  • Octavia: almost certainly not written by Seneca (at least in its final form) since it contains accurate prophecies of both his and Nero’s deaths. This play closely resembles Seneca’s plays in style, but was probably written some time after Seneca’s death (perhaps under Vespasian) by someone influenced by Seneca and aware of the events of his lifetime. Though attributed textually to Seneca, the attribution was early questioned by Petrarch, and rejected by Lipsius.

Author's bio


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (2017). Seneca's tragedies. 30 Day Map Challenge 2022. https://prncevince.github.io/30-day-map-challenge-2022/work/tragedies/

BibTeX citation

  title = "Seneca's tragedies",
  author = "Lucius Annaeus Seneca",
  year = "2017",
  journal = "30 Day Map Challenge 2022",
  note = "https://prncevince.github.io/30-day-map-challenge-2022/work/tragedies/"